Santa at the Chicagoland and Northern Illinois Malls and Department Stores
Malls and department stores always have some of the most publicized and memorable Santa events in the area. More families visit the malls to see Santa than at any
other place. We felt it would be unfair to list the area malls in the Top 10 Santa Events in Chicago and Northern Illinois, although many if not most of them would
qualify for this honor. All of the malls and stores in this section go all out to put on spectacular Santa Claus productions. We would be remiss if we didn’t point out
that malls are always great places to see Santa Claus and because we felt it would be unfair to consider them for the Top 10 Santa Events in Chicago and Northern
Illinois, should in no way diminish the experience of visiting a Santa at one of the mall events. To rectify this, in the future we will probably ask visitors to this site to
rate the various malls and tell us the ones they believe offer the best overall Santa at the malls experience.
Photo @mitchell_studiosinc.wauconda,IL/
Aurora Santa at Fox Valley Mall
Fox Valley
Macy's Court
Route 59 and Aurora Avenue
Aurora, IL 60504
Santa Days and Hours: 2017
Friday, November 6th through Sunday, December
For Santa hours at Westfield Fox Valley call the mall.Admission: FREE SANTA EVENT -
There is a
photographer- note: you are not allowed to take your own
It’s easy to find Santa at Westfield Fox Valley. During the
holiday season he’ll be having his picture taken and
listing carefully to all the many desires of children in the
Fox Valley, Aurora area. You'll find Santa' home on the
lower level by Macy's.
BarringtonSanta at the Ice House Mall in Barrington
200 Applebee Street
Barrington IL 60010
www.icehousemall.comSanta Days and Hours 2017
Santa arrives Saturday, December 2nd 11 am - 3pm
Guests can follow Candy Cane Lane to Santa’s Magical
Winter Wonderland where holiday treats are in store.
Santa’s Arrival begins with a magical holiday story hour
by none other than, Mrs. Claus at 11am. Kids will love the
story of The Nutcracker read by Mrs. Claus and brought
to life by the dancers of Dancewerks!Mrs. Claus
reading storyAt 12pm it’s time to for Santa’s Grand Arrival to the Ice
House Mall! Bring your camera and wish lists for photos
and visits with Santa Claus from 12:30pm to 3pm.
Children are invited to enjoy Cookies & Milk with Santa.
He will be at Chessie's Restaurant in the Mall on
Saturday, December 9th and 16th for a Breakfast with
Saturday December 2nd through Saturday, December
Free Photos & Visits with Santa to Our Customers Noon
to 3pm Bring a donation for the Northern Illinois Food
Bank and take a photo with Santa. Help feed a hungry
neighbor this holiday season. Bring your own cameras
and wish lists when visiting Santa. Children receive a free
holiday gift and a special thank you from Santa for
donating to help needy children. Call for Santa’s schedule
(847) 381-6661 or go to Drop
your letters to Santa and his Elves in Santa’s mailbox
located in our Winter Wonderland.Admission: FREE SANTA EVENT
Santa spends plenty of time in Barrington talking to the
kids and finding out if they have been naughty or nice.
Drop your letters in Santa's mailbox. There is not a
professional photographer at the mall so parents are
allowed to bring their own cameras and video
cameras and to create their own memories at no
BloomingdaleSanta at Stratford Square Mall
Lower Level, Center Court
Schick Road and Gary Avenue
Bloomingdale, IL 60108, November 18th through Sunday December
24th, 2017Santa Days and Hours 2017: Call the mall at (630) 539-1000
for the exact hours Santa will be at the mall
during the holiday season.
Note: Santa takes breaks - check with Stratford for times
Admission: FREE SANTA EVENT - There is a
photographer on site - note: you are not allowed to take
your own pictures.
The fun begins on Saturday November 14th when Santa
arrives and continues right through Christmas Eve.
Children's wishes are shared with Santa and they can
leave their gift lists with him. You’ll find Santa on the
Lower Level in Center Court, near the Jolly Express
BolingbrookSanta at Bass Pro Shops Bolingbrook
709 Janes Avenue
Bolingbrook, IL 60440
Take the Boughton Road exit off of Ill 355 west to Janes
Avenue, turn left on Janes to Bass Pro Shops.
Santa Days and Hours 2017
Santa will be at Bass Pro from Saturday, November
11th through Sunday, December 24th
Check with Bass Pro for the times Santa will be there.
Admission: FREE SANTA EVENT - There is a
photographer on site and Bass Pro offers a free photo
with Santa - you can also take your own pictures.
As in other Bass Pro Shops, you’ll find Santa waiting for
the kids outside of his log cabin in the beautiful nature
setting with snow covered lighted Christmas trees. Here
you’ll find the children anxious to see and talk to Santa.
Mondays through Thursdays usually have shorter lines to
see Santa. There are free games and activities all day
and free crafts during designated hours. While we
believe the dates listed above are correct please
check with Bass Pro Bolingbrook to be sure.
Santa and helpers at Bass Pro Shop in Bolingbrook
Bourbonnais Santa at Northfield Square Mall
Northfield Square Mall
Center Court
1600 North State Route 50
Bourbonnais, IL 60914
At Exit 315 off I-57 on Route 50 in Bradley, Illinois.
Photos and Visits with Santa Days and Hours 2017
Daily from Saturday November 18th through Sunday,
December 24th
Hours: Monday - Saturday 11am to 8pm
Sunday 11am to 6pm
Christmas Eve 10am to 5pmNote: while we believe the days and times listed are
correct - call Northfield Square— (815) 937-4241 to be
sure.Admission: FREE SANTA EVENT - There is a
photographer at the mall and photo packages are
available. Please note, personal cameras are not
Santa will settle into Northfield Square for his stay
starting November 15th all the way up until Christmas
Eve. There will be plenty of time for children to let him
know exactly what they want for Christmas and to look
him in the eye and tell him that they have been good.Photo courtesy Northfield Square
MallCalumet City
Santa at River Oaks Center
96 River Oaks Center Drive
Torrence Avenue and 158th Street
Calumet City, IL 60409
Santa Days and Hours 2017
Santa will be at the mall from Saturday, November
through Sunday, December 24thDuring the holiday season, Santa will be at River Oaks
Center most of the hours the mall is open.
Call River Oaks Center for the exact times you will find
Santa at the mall.
Note: while we believe the days and times listed are
correct - call River Oaks Center at (708) 868-5574 to
be sureAdmission: FREE SANTA EVENT - There is a
photographer for Santa at the mall and photo packages
are available. Please note, personal cameras are not
Southside kids will be heading to River Oaks Center to
see Santa and tell him all their many wants. From
Monday through Saturday children can ride on the
Holiday Train.Photo courtesy River Oaks
Santa at Ford City Mall
7601 South Cicero Avenue
Chicago, IL 60652
Santa Days and Hours: 2017
Saturday, November 18th through Sunday, December
24thSanta Hours: Santa will be there during most of the hours
the mall is open in the Food Court - check with the mall
for times.Note: while we believe the days listed are correct -
call Ford City at (773) 767-6400 to be sure.
Admission: FREE SANTA EVENT - There is a
photographer at the mall - note: you are not allowed to
take your own pictures.Located on the city's south side, the Ford City Mall offers
kids a chance to have pictures and chats with the old guy.
Other attractions for children include a real carousel and
a free club for kids up to twelve years old, known as the
City Kids Club with arts and crafts and other activities.
SantaLand at Macy’s on State Street
111 N. State Street
Chicago, IL 60602
Santa Days and Hours: 2017
Saturday, November 11th through Sunday, December
24thClick on this link to find the exact days and times Santa
will be at Macy's on State Street.Note: while we believe the days listed are correct -
call Macy's on State Street at ((312) 781-1000 to be
Admission: FREE SANTA EVENT - There is a
photographer at Macy’s SantaLand® or you can take
your own pictures.The Christmas season never seems to end. This year
Macy’s starts Santa visits on Saturday, November 11th
and they will continue every day through Christmas Eve.
You’ll find Ho Ho on the fifth floor Childrens department
where he is meeting his young fans. Macy’s has a long
history with Santa Claus, dating all the way back to 1870,
they were the very first department store to introduce an
in-store Santa. And who can forget the 1947 classic,
Miracle on 34th Street, an all time favorite Holiday movie
which was set in Macy’s. Children have been going to
Macy’s SantaLand® at the State Street store since 1948.
Santa at 900 North Michigan Shops
900 Shops
900 N. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611
Santa Days and Hours: 2017
Santa can be found in his home on the 3rd level 7-days a
week from:Saturday, November 18th through Thursday, Dec.
24thMondays-Fridays 12 Noon - 6 pm
Saturdays 11 am - 6 pm
Sundays 12 Noon - 5 pmNote: while we believe the days & times listed above
are correct - call the 900 North Michigan Shops at
(312) 915-3916 to be sure.
Admission: FREE SANTA EVENT - There is a
photographer available or you can take your own
pictures.The Christmas Season is alive and well at the 900 Shops
where you’ll find Santa Claus hanging out on the third
level of the mall in a holiday setting, with a beautifully
decorated 40 foot tree. The old guy in the red suit is
waiting to hear what children want and to take their wish
lists. Santa has a special gift for each child which they
are sure to treasure. Different photo packages are
available for purchase.
Santa at the 900 North Michigan Shops in Chicago
Santa at Water Tower Place
Water Tower
835 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611
Santa Days and Hours 2017
Santa can be found on the Santa set on the 2nd floor
Saturday, November 18th through Monday, Dec. 24th
Call Water Tower Place for the times Santa will be
there.Admission: FREE SANTA EVENT - There is a
photographer available. Personal cameras are not
allowed on the Santa set.
Santa has come down from the North Pole and will be at
Water Tower Place all the way through December 24th.
He will be there waiting to learn what girls and boys
would like for Christmas.Photo courtesy Water
Tower PlaceChicago Ridge
Santa at Chicago Ridge Mall
Chicago Ridge
Carson's Court
Chicago Ridge, IL 60415
(on 95th Street between Natoma and Ridgeland)
Santa will be in Carson's Court at the mall from:
Friday, November 3rd through Sunday, December
24th 2017
For Santa's Hours call the mall at (708) 499-0840.
Note: Santa takes breaks - call Chicago Ridge for the
times.Admission: FREE SANTA EVENT - There is a
photographer at the mall - note: you are not allowed to
take your own pictures.Santa will be here to listen to the kids' Christmas wishes
for the better part of November and December.
Photo courtesy Chicago Ridge Mall
Deer Park Santa’s Arrival & Fireworks Extravaganza at Deer
ParkDeer Park Town Center
20530 North Rand Road
Deer Park, IL 60010
www.shopdeerparktowncenter.comSanta will be there Friday, November 10th 2017
Santa will be at Deer Park Center: 6pm to 8:30pmAdmission: FREE SANTA EVENT - There is no
photographer at this event so be sure to bring a camera.
Santa will be available for visits with children until 8:30pm
an each child will receive a free pouch of reindeer food
while supplies last. Santa will arrive on a fire truck, he will
turn on the holiday lights and then there will be the finale
a fireworks extravaganza.Geneva
Santa at Geneva Commons
Santa’s Station Geneva Commons
602 Commons Drive Geneva, IL 60134
Sundays, November 26th, December 3rd, 10th & 17th
2017Santa Hours 2016 Santa will be at the mall from: Hours:
Sundays only 2pm - 5pmNote: while we believe the days & times listed above
are correct - call Geneva Commons at (630) 262-
0044 to be sure.
Santa will be available to visit with children every Sunday
beginning November 270th through December 18th at his
Holiday Station next to Learning Express Toys. There is
no Santa photo concession at the mall, so be sure to
bring your cameras to get your free pictures with the old
fellow. Santa will also be at Geneva Commons on
Black Friday, November 24th from 5:30pm to 7:30 for
the Tree Lighting and Holiday kick-off event.Gurnee
Santa at Gurnee Mills Mall
Gurnee Mills Mall
6170 Grand Avenue
Gurnee, IL 60031
Santa Days and Hours 2017
Friday, November 10th opening day - 5 pm to 8 pm.
From Saturday, November 10th through Sunday,
December 24th - Santa will be there most hours the mall
is open. Check with the mall for the exact times Santa will
be at Gurnee Mills.Admission: FREE SANTA EVENT - There is a
photographer on site or you can take your own pictures.Santa ‘s ready for the Holiday Season—bring the children
and get pictures, and be sure they have their Christmas
wish lists for the big guy in red.
Santa at Bass Pro Shops Gurnee
6112 West Grand Avenue
Gurnee, IL 60031
Take the Grand Avenue exit off of IL 94 and go west
about 1/4 mile to Gurnee Mills Mall, turn right at Gurnee
Mills Circle to Bass Pro Shops.
Santa Days and Hours 2017
Santa will be at Bass Pro from Saturday, November
10th through Sunday, December 24th
Check with Bass Pro for the times Santa will be there.
Admission: FREE SANTA EVENT - There is a
photographer on site and Bass Pro offers a free photo
with Santa - you can also take your own pictures.
As in other Bass Pro Shops, you’ll find Santa waiting for
the kids outside of his log cabin in the beautiful nature
setting with snow covered lighted Christmas trees. Here
you’ll find the children anxious to see and talk to Santa.
Mondays through Thursdays usually have shorter lines to
see Santa. There are free games and activities all day
and free crafts during designated hours. While we
believe the dates listed above are correct please
check with Bass Pro Bolingbrook to be sure.
Santa at Louis Joliet Mall
Louis Joliet
Santa is located in Macy’s
3340 Mall Loop Drive
Joliet, IL 60431(815) 439-1000
Santa Days and Hours 2017
Saturday, November 11th through Thursday,,
December 24thCheck with Louis Joliet Mall (847) 263-7500 for the times
Santa will be there.Admission: FREE SANTA EVENT - There is a
photographer on site and photo packages are available.
Personal cameras are not permitted.Santa ‘s ready for the Holiday Season—bring the children
and get pictures, and be sure they have their Christmas
wish lists for the big guy in the red suit.
Santa at Lincolnwood Town Center
3333 W Touhy Ave
Lincolnwood, IL 60712
Lincolnwood Town Center is located t the intersection of
Touhy Avenue and McCormick Boulevard in Lincolnwood,
Santa Days and Hours 2017:
Friday, November 17th through Sunday, December,
24thSanta will be at Lincolnwood Town Center most of the
hours the mall is open, he does take breaks - check with
the mall for the exact times Santa will be there.Note: while we believe the dates listed above are
correct - call the Lincolnwood Town Center at (647) 674-1219 to be sure.Admission: FREE SANTA EVENT - There is a
photographer at the mall and photo packages are
available - Personal photos are not permitted without the
purchase of a photo package.It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, and Santa
Claus with the real white beard is at the Lincolnwood
Town Center waiting to see the kids get in line and visit
Santa arrives at Center Court Friday, November 17th for
the holiday season.
Santa at Yorktown Center
Yorktown Shopping
Lower Level - Center Court
Highland Avenue and Butterfield Road
Lombard, IL 60148
Santa Days and Hours 2017
Friday, November 10th through Sunday, December
Santa will be at the mall most hours the mall is open:
Call the mall for the exact hours Santa will be there.
Note: Santa normally takes breaks so there are times he
will not be available.Admission: FREE SANTA EVENT - There is a
photographer at the mall and photo packages are
available. Please note, personal cameras or photos are
not allowed.This season Santa arrives on Saturday, November 10th
at 12 pm. You’ll find plenty of lights, trees, glitter and of
course Santa Claus who just can’t wait to hear what the
children want for Christmas. Besides going through their
list of wants, they will be telling him they have been good
and that they won’t forget to leave him some milk and
cookies when he arrives on Christmas Eve. The Yorktown
Express, the mall’s train will be all decked out for the
Holiday season ready to take kids for a ride. Tickets
available for purchase at the Information Center—train
rides are $1.00 each, or 6 rides for $5.00.
Santa at Yorktown Center in Lombard
Santa at Golf Mill Shopping Center
Santa's Village - 239 Golf Mill Center
Niles, Illinois 60714
www.golfmill.comSanta Days and Hours 2017
Saturday, November 18th, through Sunday, December
For Santa's hours check with the mall.
Admission: FREE SANTA EVENTAdmission: FREE SANTA EVENT- There is a
photographer at the mall and photo packages are
available - personal photos can be taken if you purchase
a photo package.It’s that time of year again, and yes, you’ll find Santa
Claus at the Golf Mill Shopping Center where he is just
waiting for the kids to ask him for Christmas presents.Santa photo courtesy Golf
Mill Shopping CenterNorridge
Santa at Harlem-Irving Plaza
4104 N Harlem Ave
Norridge, IL 60706
Santa Days and Hours: 2017Santa will be at the Harlem-Irving Plaza from
Saturday, November 11th through Sunday, December
Check with the mall for the hours Santa will be there.
Admission: FREE SANTA EVENT - There is a
photographer at the mall and photo packages are
available.Santa will be here to see all the little children up until
Christmas Eve.Photo courtesy Harlen-Irving
Santa is Coming to Northbrook Court
Northbrook Court
Northbrook, IL 60062(847) 498-8161
Santa Days and Hours 2017
Saturday, November 11th through Sunday, December
24thSanta will be at Northbrook Court most of the hours the
mall is open, he does take breaks - for additional
information call Northbrook Court.Admission: FREE SANTA EVENT - There is a
photographer at the mall and photo packages are
available - please refrain from using any personal camera
within the confines of the Santa set.Northbrook Court's Santa will return to spread holiday
cheer starting November 11th, 2017. Children and their
families can visit 'Ole St. Nick in his beautiful holiday
garden at his location on the lower level near Lord &
Taylor until December 24, 2014.
Photo courtesy Northbrook Court
Oakbrook Photos with Santa at Glass Pavilion in Oakbrook
Center100 Oakbrook Center
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Santa Days and Hours 2017
Friday, November 10th through Sunday, December
Make a date with Santa
Book Now
Reservations and photo purchases are not necessary to
visit Santa.
Hours - Monday - Saturday: 10am - 8pm
Sunday 12pm - 6pm
Special hours: 12/15 - 12/23 9am - 9pm
Christmas Eve: 9am - 6pm
Visit Oakbrook Center this holiday season for an all new
experience! Santa’s glass house will feature an
interactive activity, snow, and a digital countdown to
Christmas calendar. Plus, a special visit with the big man
himself!Photo courtesy
Oakbrook CenterOrland Park
Santa at Orland Square Mall
Orland Square Mall
288 Orland Square Drive
(at Lake View Drive)
Orland Park, IL 60462
Santa Days and Hours 2017
Friday November 10th through Sunday, December
Santa Hours: Call Orland Square at (708) 349-1646.
Admission: FREE SANTA EVENT - There is a
photographer at the mall and photo packages are
available - personal photos are not permitted .Halloween is barely over and Santa shows up at Orland
Square where he will be ready to see the little ones right
up until Christmas Eve. You’ll find the happy fellow
located in the upper level of the mall, in Carson's Court
where he will be listing to the children’s Holiday wishes
and having pictures with them. The old guy in red arrives
for the season on Thursday, November 5th—there will be
crafts, giveaways and special surprises.
Santa at CherryValle Mall
7200 Harrison Avenue
Suite 5
Rockford, IL 61112
www.ShopCherryValeMall.comSanta Days and Hours: 2017
Friday, November 10th through Sunday, December
Monday through Saturday Santa hours 10am - 9pm
Sundays 11am to 6pm
Christmas Eve - 10am to 6 pm
Note: While we believe the above dates and times are
correct, call the CherryVale Mall to be sure.
Admission: FREE SANTA EVENT - There is a
photographer at the mall and photo packages are
available. Please note, personal cameras are not
allowed.Santa arrives at CherryVale Mall’s Center Court, the
Rockford area’s largest enclosed shopping center in
early, November and will be there right through Christmas
Eve. You’ll find a real white-bearded Santa ready to
welcome children and to visit with them during this
Holiday season.St. Charles
Santa at Charlestowne Mall
Charlestowne Mall
3102 E Main Street
St. Charles, IL 60174
Kirk Rd. and North Avenue
Santa Days and Hours 2017
Santa will be at Charlestowne Mall
Santa will be at the mall - call (630) 513-1120 for days
and hours
Admission: FREE SANTA EVENT- There is a
photographer at the mall and photo packages are
available. Please note, personal cameras and photos are
not permitted.Santa can be found at Charlestowne in the lower level,
Center Court. Santa is normally there right through
Christmas Eve. Another magnet for the kids is the twostory Italian carousel on the second level food court.
Santa and Christopher Charlestowne Mall 2003
SchaumburgSanta at Woodfield Shopping Center
Woodfield Shopping
Golf Road between Route 53 & Route 72
Schaumburg, IL 60173
Santa Days and Hours 2017
Santa is at the mall most of the hours Woodfield is open.
Click on this LINK for a full list of hours Santa will be
there.Thursday, November 2nd - Opening
DayWelcome Santa in Grand Court at The Ice Palace! Santa
will commence his arrival with a parade through the mall
and return back to The Ice Palace where he will kick the
holiday season off with photos!
Thanksgiving Day - Thursday, November 23rdclosed
Note: Santa takes breaks usually from 12 noon until 12:
30 pm although this is subject to change.Thursday, November 2nd through Sunday, December
24th:Admission: FREE SANTA EVENT - There is a
photographer on site - note: you are not allowed to take
your own pictures.Every Christmas season Woodfield Shopping Center, the
Chicago area's largest mall always manages to welcome
Santa with world-class public festivities. After the parade,
welcoming events and other ceremonies, the ‘big guy’ will
be taking lists and gift ideas in the in court in the center of
the mall. There you’ll find a huge holiday tree, surrounded
by a model train layout and a winter wonderland. Note
while there is no charge to see Santa there is a cost for
some activities and for Santa photos.Photo Courtesy Woodfield
Shopping CenterVernon Hills
Santa at Westfield Hawthorn Shopping Center
Westfield Hawthorn
Shopping Center122 Hawthorn Center
Vernon Hills IL 60061
Santa Days and Hours: 2017
Friday, November 10th through Sunday, December
24thCall Westfield Hawthorn to verfie dates and confirm
the times Santa will be there.Admission: FREE SANTA EVENT - There is a
photographer at the mall - note: you are not allowed to
take your own pictures.IT'S SANTA TIME!
Who’s been naughty or nice? Come meet St. Nick andmake the holidays special with Santa-and-me photos.
Want to see Santa faster? Here's how:1. Pre-order your photo package online
2. Make your Fast Pass reservation
3. On the day of your visit, go to the Fast Pass line!
Reserve your Santa Fast Pass now.
November 10 - December 24
Macy's CourtWest Dundee
Santa at Santa at Spring Hill Mall
Spring Hill Mall
Route 59 and Aurora Avenue
West Dundee, IL 60118
Santa Days and Hours: 2017
Saturday, November 11th through Sunday, December
24thSanta will be at Spring Hill most of the hours the mall
is open. Call the mall for the exact days and times
you will find Santa there.
Saturday, November 11th - Santa's Arrival Parade
Join us Saturday, November 11th at 10am to welcome
Santa to Spring Hill Mall!Parade begins outside (weather permitting) at 10:00 am,
culminating inside in the Sears Court with a Santa Meet &
Greet, milk & cookies, crafts, balloon artisit, raffles and
more! Be sure to enter to win FREE photos with Santa!We will also have two of Santa's Reindeer here to meet
the kids!Admission: FREE SANTA EVENT - There is a
photographer at the mall- you are not allowed to take
your own camera on the Santa set.Spring Hill is a large Chicago area mall with major
department stores and over 150 specialty shops. From
November 14th through Christmas Eve Santa will be
busily entertaining children at the center court, so stop by
and visit with the Jolly Old ElfThis little girl is having a very serious conversation with
the old fellow.
to the top
Please note—all of the above events are subject to
change without notice